After the huge success of PCBC 2020 we entered COVID lockdown and it is only this year that we are relaunching the Poker Championship for Belgian Clubs.

The basic idea remains the same, bringing together the world of club poker for one day under the same roof, to designate a Belgian champion team, a Belgian champion player and the best club manager in Belgium.

In 2020 it was the team representing the Casino de Namur which finished first.

Olivier Baeten, who represented Urban Poker (since then name has changed and is better known now as Poker Geek), won the title of Belgian Champion and Catherine Joachim from the Liège Poker Académie won the title of best manager.

We have modified the formula, and this year the event will take place over 2 days!

Saturday March 9 2024 at 7 p.m. club leaders will come and play a €40 tournament. The winner will earn the title of best Belgian leader.

Each club can send a maximum of 2 leaders to this evening who can participate in the tournament. We will only take into account the best ranked of each club and we will award them points: 3 points for the first bust, 6 points for the 2nd bust etc... (the 2nd of each club will not count)

The points collected by the leaders will be added to the points of their team(s).

Each club can register several teams, however each club can only delegate 2 managers.

We ask for a contribution of 10€ from each manager for a drink and a snack during which a meeting to share ideas about Belgian poker will take place.

This year the PCDC will be played on Sunday 10 March 2024 at 1:30 p.m. by a maximum of 200 players who will represent 40 teams. Each club will be able to send the number of teams it wishes. But if there are more than 40 teams registering, priority will be given to clubs with only one team.

The tournament will take place in freezout 80€ and the last survivor will be designated Belgian champion.

Each time a player is eliminated, points will be awarded to those eliminated, starting with 1 for the first eliminated, 2 for the second, etc. The first eliminated from each club will not be counted.

Players who reach the TF will receive a bonus of 10 points.

The club which obtains the most points (4 players + 1 manager) will obtain the title of Belgian Champion.

15% from the prizepool goes to the winning teams: 10% to the first, 5% to the second